Thursday, September 8, 2011

Change Management!

Maybe the subject might sound boring, however, it is a very important issue for companies and even for our personal life. It is about "changing" something and managing it successfully. This might be the "organizational structure of a department" or your new "diet program". It is all same, all about behaviors and the change process is almost the same.

As far as I've seen, the change methodology is given best by Kotter and it is as following:

Step 1: Create Urgency
This stage is all about motivating the workplace to consider change and get them to buy into it.

Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalation
Here you will continue to promote the power of change and the reasons for it.

Step 3: Create Vision For Change
Work with the change team for ideas for strategy and vision.

Step 4: Communicate The Vision
With vision in hand, clearly begin to communicate it to the entire organization.

Step 5: Empower Others to Act on the Vision
This is the step were you can start to acheive the benefits from your vision of change. Install the structure for change and moniter it regularly for issues.

Step 6: Create Short Term Wins
Have your change team create short term wins that include very small changes. This will allow the people to taste some success.

Step 7: Build on the Change
Real long lasting change is not automatic and still has to be developed. For change to be sustainable and long lasting it requires persistance and patience.

Step 8: Make Change Stick
The final stage requires continuous efforts to ensure that the change is seen in every aspect of your organization.

For more details about Kotter's way of change management, please visit:

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